IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Frame Relay Network Interface (FRL)

This chapter describes Frame Relay Network Interface (FRL) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.001 Frame rcvd, circuit name DLCI circuit prtcl protocol nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.001 Frame received, circuit name DLCI = circuit protocol type = protocol, on network network ID

Description: A LAPD frame had been received on the FR interface.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.002 Frame xmitted circuit name DLCI circuit prtcl protocol nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.002 Frame transmitted circuit name DLCI = circuit protocol type = protocol, on network network ID

Description: A LAPD frame had been transmitted on the FR interface.



Short Syntax: FR.003 Voice fwd disabled circuit name DLCI dlci, reason, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.003 Error detected in the voice forwarding configuration. Voice forwarding disabled for circuit name DLCI dlci, reason on network network ID

Description: An error was detected in the voice forwarding circuit configuration.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.004 Circuit outbound congest circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.004 Circuit outbound congestion circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The circuit is now experiencing congestion in the outbound direction.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.005 Circuit outbound uncongest circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.005 Circuit outbound uncongested circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: The circuit is now not experiencing congestion in the outbound direction.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.006 Circuit active circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.006 Circuit enters active state circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The circuit enters the active state.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.007 Orphan circuit joins net DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.007 An orphan circuit not statically configured has joined the network DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: An orphan circuit was created for this interface.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.008 Circuit becomes inactive circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.008 Circuit enters inactive state circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The circuit enters the inactive state.

Cause: The remote end-point on the circuit either is down or is disabled.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.009 Circuit becomes unavailable circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.009 Circuit is unavailable circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The circuit is no longer available on the network.

Cause: In a LMI message, the Frame Relay switch indicated that the circuit is no longer configured on the network.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.010 Circuit becomes available circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.010 Circuit is available circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The circuit is now available on the network.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.011 LMI seq exchange req rcv seq = rcvseq xmt seq = xmtseq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.011 LMI sequence number exchange requested, last received sequence = rcvseq current transmit sequence = xmtseq, on network network ID

Description: A LMI sequence number exchange has been requested.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.012 LMI Status Enquiry req rcv seq = rcvseq xmt seq = xmtseq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.012 LMI Status Enquiry requested, last received sequence = rcvseq current transmit sequence = xmtseq, on network network ID

Description: A LMI full Status Enquiry has been requested.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.013 LMI solicited Status Enquiry response received nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.013 LMI solicited Status Enquiry response had been received on network network ID

Description: A solicited LMI Status Enquiry response has been received.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.014 LMI rcvseq response xmitted, rcv seq = xmtseq xmt seq = network ID

Long Syntax: FR.014 LMI rcvseq number response transmitted, last received sequence = xmtseq current transmit sequence = network ID

Description: A LMI sequence number exchange has been requested.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.015 Modem status change, DCD = dcd CTS = cts nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.015 Modem status changed DCD = dcd CTS = cts on network network ID

Description: A modem status change has occurred. The present state is described.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.016 Multicast frm xmitted circuit name DLCI circuit prtcl = protocol nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.016 Multicast frame transmitted circuit name DLCI = circuit protocol type = protocol, on network network ID

Description: A LAPD frame had been transmitted on the FR interface.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.017 Circuit remains outbound congest circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.017 Circuit remains congested in the outbound direction circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The circuit is remaining in the outbound congested state toward the network.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.018 LMI seq rcvseq enquiry received, rcv seq = xmtseq xmt seq = network ID

Long Syntax: FR.018 LMI rcvseq number enquiry received, last received sequence = xmtseq current transmit sequence = network ID

Description: A LMI sequence number exchange has been requested.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.019 Orphan circuit ignored DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.019 An disallowed orphan circuit not statically configured has been ignored DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The LMI signalled present and active a circuit which had not been statically configured or allowed.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.020 Circuits exceeded, orphan circuit discarded DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.020 The total circuits allowed has been exceeded, an orphan circuit has been ignored DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The LMI signalled present and active a circuit which cannot join the interface, maximum circuits have been exceeded.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.021 No memory for orphan, circuit discarded DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.021 No available memory for orphan circuit, the circuit has been ignored DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: In a LMI message, the Frame Relay switch signalled that the circuit is present and available. However, the circuit cannot join the the interface because there is not enough memory to support it.



Short Syntax: FR.022 Unsupported LMI IE, type = 0x type on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.022 Unsupported LMI information element, type = 0x type on network network ID

Description: An unsupported management information element has been encountered.

Cause: Software out of date, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.023 Unsupported LMI msg_type type = 0x type_val nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.023 Unsupported LMI msg_type type encountered = 0x type_val, on network network ID

Description: An unsupported management LMI message type or report type has been encountered.

Cause: Software out of date, contact customer service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.024 LMI asynch status stat reported for circuit dlci DLCI network ID/

Long Syntax: FR.024 A LMI asynchronous status message indicating a status of stat was transmitted for dlci DLCI network ID/

Description: Asynchronous status sent



Short Syntax: FR.025 No LIV received, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.025 LIV not received on network network ID

Description: LIV status not received.



Short Syntax: FR.026 Unsupported NLPID, type = 0x type, circuit name DLCI = circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.026 Unsupported Network Layer Protocol ID, type = 0x type from circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: An unsupported network layer protocol NLPID has been encountered.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.027 Unsupported ethertype = 0x etype for NLPID = 0x nlpid, circuit name DLCI = circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.027 Unsupported ethernet type = 0x etype for NLPID = 0x nlpid from circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: An unsupported ethernet type has been encountered.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.028 Unsupported OUI = 0x oui with NLPID = 0x80, circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.028 Unsupported organization unique identifier (OUI) = 0x oui with NLPID = 0x80 from circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: An unsupported organization unique identifier (OUI) has been encountered in a frame encapsulated using the SNAP NLPID (i.e. 0x80).

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.029 Received data on invalid circuit, DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.029 Data received on invalid or nonconfigured circuit, DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: Data has been received on a circuit not configured or learned dynamically but not yet active on network.

Cause: Network mis-configuration or mis-timing.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.030 LMI seq exchange received rcv seq = rcvseq xmt seq = xmtseq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.030 LMI sequence number exchange received, last received sequence = rcvseqcurrent transmit sequence = xmtseq, on network network ID

Description: A LMI sequence number exchange has been received.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.031 LMI unsolicited PVC Status Update received nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.031 LMI unsolicited single Status Update had been received on network network ID

Description: An LMI unsolicited single status update message has been received.



Short Syntax: FR.032 Circuit address length too short nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.032 Circuit address length less than the 2 octet minimum received on network network ID

Description: The router encountered a frame on a Frame Relay interface containing an address filed shorter than 2 octets. The router only supports a 2 octet address field on a Frame Relay interface.



Short Syntax: FR.033 Circuit address length too large nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.033 Circuit address length greater than the 2 octet maximum received on network network ID

Description: The router encountered a frame on a Frame Relay interface containing an address field longer than 2 octets. The router only supports a 2 octet address field on a Frame Relay interface.



Short Syntax: FR.034 Circuit status message using reserved address, DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.034 Circuit status update message contained a reserved management channel address, DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The LMI status message contained a reserved management channel address.



Short Syntax: FR.035 Unsupported control frame, type = 0x type, circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.035 Unsupported Link Layer control frame encountered, type = 0x type from circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: An unsupported link layer control frame encountered.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.036 Unsupported management protocol descriptor, type = 0x type on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.036 Unsupported layer management protocol descriptor encountered, type = 0x type on network network ID

Description: An unsupported network layer protocol descriptor has been encountered.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.037 Unsupported management call reference encountered on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.037 Unsupported layer management call reference encountered on network network ID

Description: An unsupported network layer call reference field has been encountered.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.038 No lock shift encountered in ANSI LMI message on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.038 No lock shift encountered in received ANSI LMI message on network network ID

Description: The received ANSI management frame did not include required locking shift information element.

Cause: Error in network switch management frame, contact site administrator.



Short Syntax: FR.039 Incorrect formatted information element encountered on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.039 Incorrectly formatted information element encountered on network network ID

Description: The received management frame information element was incorrectly formatted.

Cause: Error in network switch management frame, contact site administrator.



Short Syntax: FR.040 LMI rcv seq number in error seq = rcvseq expected seq = xmtseq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.040 LMI receive sequence number in error, receive sequence = rcvseq expected sequence = xmtseq, on network network ID

Description: An incorrect LMI receive sequence number has been received.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.041 Circuit leaves net circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.041 A circuit has been removed from the network circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The Frame Relay switch did not include the circuit in the last LMI full status message. The circuit is assumed to be removed from the network.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.042 Circuit inbound congest circuit name DLCI circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.042 Circuit experiencing inbound congestion circuit name DLCI = circuit, on network network ID

Description: The circuit is now experiencing congestion in the inbound direction.



Short Syntax: FR.043 Incorrect formatted addr hdr for LMI packet encountered on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.043 Incorrect formatted address header for LMI packet encountered on network network ID

Description: The address header on received management frame had BECN, FECN, DE or CR bits set.

Cause: Error in network switch management frame, contact site administrator.



Short Syntax: FR.044 Unsolicited LMI LIV received rcv seq = xseq xmt seq = rseq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.044 Unsolicited LMI Link Integrity Verification received receive seq number = xseq transmit seq number = rseq on network network ID

Description: LMI Link Integrity Verification message was received from the network without the router polling for it.

Cause: Duplicate packet may have been sent. Monitor LMI link and contact site administrator.



Short Syntax: FR.045 Unsolicited LMI FULL STATUS received rcv seq = xseq xmt seq = rseq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.045 Unsolicited LMI FULL STATUS response received receive seq number = xseq transmit seq number = rseq on network network ID

Description: LMI Full Status message was received from the network without the router polling for it.

Cause: Duplicate packet may have been sent. Monitor LMI link and contact site administrator.



Short Syntax: FR.046 DROP: Bridging not enabled on circuit name DLCI circuit, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.046 DROP: Bridging not enabled on circuit name DLCI = circuit, network network ID

Description: A frame was received of a bridge type defined in RFC 1490. However, since bridging has not been enabled on this circuit, frame is being discarded.

Cause: In a point-to-point WAN connection, this indicates that bridging is enabled on one end point router and disabled on another. This is an invalid configuration.

Action: Either enable proper bridging behavior on both ends of the circuit or disable bridging on the bridge ports connected to this circuit. In other words, you must enable or disable bridging at both ends of the circuit.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.047 DROP: Bridge port not fwding on circuit name DLCI circuit, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.047 DROP: Bridge port not forwarding on circuit name DLCI = circuit, network network ID

Description: A bridge frame is being discarded as a bridge port is not in forwarding state.

Cause: It could be that port has just come up and is progressing from blocking to listening to learning to forwarding state, or that Spanning Tree Protocol has determined that this port should stay in blocked state as a backup port.



Short Syntax: FR.048 DROP: source_mac to dest_mac, Frame to bdg port behav mismatch on circuit name DLCI circuit, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.048 DROP: source_mac to dest_mac, Frame to bridge port behavior mismatch on circuit name DLCI = circuitu, network network ID

Description: A bridged frame has been received and is being discarded due to mismatch in the frame type versus the bridge port behavior.

Cause: Either a source routed frame was received on a bridge port where source routing is disabled, or a transparent frame was received on a bridge port where transparent bridging is disabled.

Action: Enable proper bridging behavior on both ends of the circuit, or disable bridging on the bridge ports connected to this circuit.



Short Syntax: FR.049 Unsupported bdg frame type = 0x type, circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.049 Unsupported bridge frame type = 0x type from circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: An unsupported bridge frame type has been encountered and the frame has been discarded.

Cause: Either a 802.4 bridge frame, a 802.6 bridge frame, or a bridge frame with a bridge protocol ID that is not supported by RFC 1490 has been received.

Action: Ensure compatible bridging behavior is configured on both ends of the circuit and contact customer service if the problem still occurs.



Short Syntax: FR.050 Unrecgnz outgoing bdg frame type = type on circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.050 Unrecognized outgoing bridge frame type = type on circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: An unrecognized outgoing bridge frame type. Bridge has asked the frame relay interface to send out a frame whose type cannot be translated into the encapsulation defined in RFC 1490.

Cause: Software problem

Action: Contact customer service


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.051 Xmit frame rej: rsn = reason, circuit name DLCI circuit, prtcl = protocol, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.051 Transmit frame rejected with reason = reason for circuit name DLCI = circuit protocol type = protocol on network network ID

Description: A protocol frame has been rejected because it could not be queued for transmission.

Cause: There is a buffer shortage, the Bandwidth Reservation queue has reached its maximum length, or the interface has gone down.



Short Syntax: FR.052 LMI rcv seq = 0, prev rcv = prevrcv_seq, xmt seq = xmt_seq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.052 LMI receive sequence number = 0, previous receive sequence number = prevrcv_seq, current transmit sequence number = xmt_seq on network network ID

Description: An LMI send sequence number of 0 has been received.



Short Syntax: FR.053 DN bd ln actual_length claimed_length, circuit name DLCI circuit nt network id

Long Syntax: FR.053 DECnet packet received with a bad length actual actual_length claimed claimed_length on circuit name DLCI = circuit, network network id

Description: A DECnet packet was received with a length field that was larger than the actual length of the packet.



Short Syntax: FR.054 Rqd PVC required_pvc unavail nt network id; continue testing

Long Syntax: FR.054 Required PVC required_pvc unavailable on network network id; continue testing interface

Description: A successful exchange of LMI messages has occurred between the router and the Frame Relay switch. However, the switch has not notified the router that a required PVC is active so the router will continue to test the interface until all required PVCs are active.

Cause: At least one required PVC is not active.



Short Syntax: FR.055 Rqd PVC required_pvc removed nt network id; start testing

Long Syntax: FR.055 Required PVC required_pvc removed from network network id; start testing interface

Description: The router received a LMI message from the Frame Relay switch indicating that a required PVC is no longer active. The router has taken the interface down until that PVC becomes active again.

Cause: A required PVC has become inactive.



Short Syntax: FR.056 No PVCs present nt network id; testing

Long Syntax: FR.056 No PVCs present on network network id; testing interface

Description: The router has successfully exchanged LMI messages with the FR switch but the LMI messages indicate no circuits are active. Since the NO-PVC configuration option is enabled on the interface, the router will test the interface until one or more circuits become active.

Cause: No circuits on the interface are active.



Short Syntax: FR.057 No rpt type in LMI msg nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.057 No report type encountered in received LMI message on network network ID

Description: The received LMI did not include the required report type information element.

Cause: Error in FR network switch management frame, contact site administrator.



Short Syntax: FR.059 Frame dropped: APPN or DLSw not enabled on circuit name DLCI circuit, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.059 Frame dropped: APPN or DLSw not enabled on circuit name DLCI = circuit, network network ID

Description: A frame was received which used the APPN or SNA encapsulation defined in RFC 1490. However, since neither APPN nor DLSw has been enabled on this circuit, the frame is being discarded.

Cause: This indicates that APPN and SNA traffic is enabled on one end of the circuit and disabled on the other end. This is an invalid configuration.

Action: Either enable or disable APPN or SNA traffic on both ends of the circuit.



Short Syntax: FR.060 Unsupported L2/L3 PIDs = 0x l2pid/0x l3pid, circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.060 Unsupported L2 and/or L3 protocol ids = 0x l2pid/0x l3pid when NLPID = 0x08, circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: A frame was received with a NLPID value of 0x08 but the layer 2 and/or layer 3 protocol ids are not supported for APPN and SNA traffic.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.061 Info rate changed from cur_vir to new_vir, circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.061 Information rate changed from cur_vir to new_vir for circuit name DLCI = circuit on network network ID

Description: The information rate is being changed because either congestion is occurring (a frame was received with BECN set) or congestion is ending (a frame was received without BECN set or no frames have been received for awhile)



Short Syntax: FR.062 Frame len of length too short for circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.062 Frame length of length is too short for frame received on circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: A frame whose length is shorter than the length of the address field, control field, plus the RFC 1490 encapsulation header was received.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.063 FH circuit name DLCI dlci inactived, reason, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.063 Error detected in the frame handler circuit configuration. Circuit name DLCI dlci inactived, reason on network network ID

Description: An error was detected in the voice forwarding circuit configuration.



Short Syntax: FR.064 Config info missing for required group groupname on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.064 Configuration information missing for required PVC group groupname on network network ID

Description: A required PVC has been defined as belonging to a required PVC group. The SRAM group information record cannot be located.

Cause: Software (record not written) or hardware, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.065 All PVCs in rqd group groupname unavail nt network id; continue testing

Long Syntax: FR.065 All PVCs in required PVC group groupname unavailable on network network id; continue testing interface

Description: A successful exchange of LMI messages has occurred between the router and the Frame Relay switch. However, the switch has not notified the router that any PVCs in the required PVC group are active, so the router will continue to test the interface until at least one PVC in the group is active.

Cause: All of the circuits in a required PVC group are inactive.



Short Syntax: FR.066 All PVCs in rqd group groupname removed nt network id; start testing

Long Syntax: FR.066 All PVCs in required PVC group groupname removed from network network id; start testing interface

Description: The router received an LMI message from the Frame Relay switch indicating that the last active PVC in a required PVC group is no longer active. The router has taken down the interface until at least one PVC in the group becomes active again.

Cause: All of the circuits in a required PVC group have become inactive.



Short Syntax: FR.067 Net down due to type of n2evnc N2 LMI errors nt network id; start testing

Long Syntax: FR.067 Frame relay LMI detected type errors out of n2evnc N2 consecutive events on network network id; start testing interface

Description: The interface has been marked down due to excessive frame relay LMI errors.

Cause: Excessive frame relay LMI errors.



Short Syntax: FR.068 Asynchronous status message with LIV IE received on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.068 Asynchronous status message with LIV IE received on network network ID

Description: Asynchronous status message with LIV IE received from the network

Action: Contact customer service.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.069 CLLM cause cv rcvd for PVCs elsstring on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.069 A CLLM message was received with cause value cv for PVCs elsstring on network network ID

Description: A valid CLLM message was received and processed.



Short Syntax: FR.070 Compress frame disc (bad header) circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.070 Circuit name DLCI circuit discarded a compression frame (bad header) on network network ID

Description: FR compression frame discarded by receive side because of bad header



Short Syntax: FR.071 Compress frame disc (not oper) circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.071 Circuit name DLCI circuit discarded a compression frame (not oper) - network network ID

Description: FR compression frame discarded by receive side - not operational



Short Syntax: FR.072 Frame discarded (decompress err) circuit name DLCI circuit rc= returncode on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.072 Circuit name DLCI circuit had a decompression error (rc = returncode) on network network ID

Description: FR compression frame discarded because of a decompression error

Cause: Decompression error.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.073 DCP retry limit exhausted for circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.073 DCP retries exhausted for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR compression negotiation retry limit exhausted



Short Syntax: FR.074 Circuit name DLCI circuit rcvd DCP control PDU out of seq on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.074 Circuit name DLCI circuit received DCP ctl PDU out of sequence on network network ID

Description: FR compression control frame received out of sequencee


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.075 DCP R-R mode started for circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.075 DCP R-R mode started for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR compression reset request (R-R) mode started



Short Syntax: FR.076 Compress not done (no resources) for circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.076 Compression not done (no resources) for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: Compression not performed - resources not available

Cause: Buffers are not available for the compression function to use.



Short Syntax: FR.077 Compress frame disc by non-comp circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.077 Compression frame discarded by non-comp circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: Compression frame discarded by non-compression circuit



Short Syntax: FR.078 Compress failed for circuit name DLCI circuit (rc = returncode) on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.078 Compression failed for circuit name DLCI circuit with rc = returncode on network network ID

Description: Compression failed

Cause: The data compression algorithm returned a negative return code.



Short Syntax: FR.079 Compress frame disc (R-R mode) circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.079 Circuit name DLCI circuit discarded a compression frame (in R-R mode) on network network ID

Description: FR compression frame discarded by receive side (in R-R mode)

Cause: Data frame received during compression resynchronization (R-R) mode.



Short Syntax: FR.080 Compress frame disc (seq err) circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID - seq_numbers

Long Syntax: FR.080 Compression frame discarded (seq num err) by circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID - seq_numbers

Description: Compression frame discarded because of a sequence number error

Cause: Compression data frame received with bad sequence number.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.081 Compress frame disc (LCB err) by circuit circuit DLCI network ID/ LCBs -

Long Syntax: FR.081 Compression frame discarded (LCB err) by circuit circuit DLCI network ID/ LCBs -

Description: Compression frame discarded because of an LCB error


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.082 DCP R-R mode ended for circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.082 DCP R-R mode ended for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR compression reset request (R-R) mode ended


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.083 Data compress oper circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.083 Data compression operational for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR data compression operational



Short Syntax: FR.084 Data compress stop circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.084 Data compression stopped for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR data compression stopped

Cause: The network is down or compression negotiation has been suspended.



Short Syntax: FR.085 Circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID wait for a compress context

Long Syntax: FR.085 Circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID is waiting for a compression context

Description: The circuit is waiting for a data compression context

Cause: Compression context not available.



Short Syntax: FR.086 Circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID wait for compress limit to reduce

Long Syntax: FR.086 Circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID waiting for circuit compression limit to reduce

Description: The circuit is waiting for the circuit compression limit to reduce

Cause: The interface compression PVC limit has been reached.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.087 Compress neg suspended circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.087 Compression negotiation suspended for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: Data compression negotiation suspended



Short Syntax: FR.088 Compression internally disabled for dynamic actv'ed nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.088 Compression internally disabled for dynamically activated network network ID

Description: Data compression internally disabled for dynamically activated interface

Cause: Buffer header or trailer size not big enough for compression.



Short Syntax: FR.089 CLLM msg elsstring fmt error offset = erroffset on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.089 A format error in the header of CLLM message elsstring was detected at offset erroffset (starting from 1) on network network ID

Description: An invalid CLLM message was received and discarded.

Cause: Software out of date or incompatible, contact customer service.



Short Syntax: FR.090 Xmit frame rej: prtcl protocol rsn reason data data nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.090 Transmit frame rejected for protocol protocol, reason code = reason, associated data = data network network ID

Description: Frame could not be transmitted due to internal or routing error

Cause: Invalid control block or DLCI pointer.



Short Syntax: FR.091 Xmit frame rej: inactive or removed circuit DLCI pvc prtcl protocol nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.091 Transmit frame rejected for inactive or removed circuit DLCI pvc for protocol protocol network network ID

Description: Frame could not be transmitted since the associated circuit was either inactive or removed. If this was a multicast packet, the circuit number will be zero.

Cause: Transmission attempted on an inactive or removed circuit.



Short Syntax: FR.092 Encrypt frame disc circ name DLCI circuit on nt network ID - multi-encryption not allowed

Long Syntax: FR.092 Encrypt frame disc circ name DLCI circuit on nt network ID - multi-encryption not allowed

Description: Encryption frame discarded because of a multi-encryption attempt.

Cause: Encryption attempted twice.

Action: User needs to reconfigure IP/SEC or PPP/FR so that encryption is not multiply attempted.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.093 DCP frm sent circuit name DLCI circuit (len length, seq seqnum, lcb lcb) - nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.093 DCP frame sent for circuit name DLCI circuit (len = length, seq = seqnum, lcb = lcb) - network network ID

Description: DCP frame with compressed data transmitted


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.094 DCP frm w/uncomp data sent circuit name DLCI circuit (len length, seq seqnum) - nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.094 DCP frame with uncompressed data sent for circuit name DLCI circuit (len = length, seq = seqnum) - network network ID

Description: DCP frame with uncompressed data transmitted


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.095 DCP frm rcv'd circuit name DLCI circuit (len length, seq seqnum, lcb lcb) - nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.095 DCP frame received for circuit name DLCI circuit (len = length, seq = seqnum, lcb = lcb) - network network ID

Description: DCP frame with compressed data received


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.096 DCP frm w/uncomp data rcv'd circuit name DLCI circuit (len length, seq seqnum) - nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.096 DCP frame with uncompressed data received for circuit name DLCI circuit (len = length, seq = seqnum) - network network ID

Description: DCP frame with uncompressed data received



Short Syntax: FR.097 MTU = mtu too small for P1 = p1, MTU = b req on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.097 The MTU defined for the interface of mtu is too small to hold a LMI full status message containing P1 p1 PVCs - MTU of b bytes required - network network ID

Description: LMI errors will occur if P1 PVCs are included in LMI frames since they can't be received

Cause: MTU size is too small to hold an LMI full status message with P1 PVCs.

Action: Increase MTU or decrease the P1 parameter



Short Syntax: FR.098 Encrypt frame disc circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID - discard_reason

Long Syntax: FR.098 Encryption frame discarded by circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID - discard_reason

Description: Encryption frame discarded


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.099 DEP retry limit exhausted circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.099 DEP retries exhausted for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR encryption negotiation retry limit exhausted



Short Syntax: FR.100 Data encrypt stop circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.100 Data encryption stopped for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR data encryption stopped

Cause: The network is down or data encryption negotiation has been suspended.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.101 Encrypt neg suspended circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.101 Encryption negotiation suspended for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: Data encryption negotiation suspended


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.102 Data encrypt oper circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.102 Data encryption operational for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR data encryption operational



Short Syntax: FR.103 Circuit name DLCI circuit rcvd DEP control PDU out of seq nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.103 Circuit name DLCI circuit received DEP control PDU out of sequence on network network ID

Description: FR encryption control frame received out of sequencee



Short Syntax: FR.104 Frame discarded, reason, circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.104 Frame discarded, reason, by circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: Non-encryption frame discarded by encryption circuit.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.105 DEP frm rcvd circuit name DLCI circuit (len length, seq seqnum, lcb lcb) - nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.105 DEP frame received for circuit name DLCI circuit (len = length, seq = seqnum, lcb = lcb) - network network ID

Description: DEP frame received


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.106 DEP R-R mode started circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.106 DEP R-R mode started for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: FR encryption reset request (R-R) mode started



Short Syntax: FR.107 Encrypt not done (no resources) circuit name DLCI circuit on nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.107 Encryption not done (no resources) for circuit name DLCI circuit on network network ID

Description: Encryption not performed - resources not available

Cause: Buffers are not available for the data encryption function to use.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.108 DEP frm sent circuit name DLCI circuit (len length, seq seqnum, lcb lcb) - nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.108 DEP frame sent for circuit name DLCI circuit (len = length, seq = seqnum, lcb = lcb) - network network ID

Description: DEP frame transmitted



Short Syntax: FR.109 Xmit frame rej: encrypt not oper circuit name DLCI circuit prtcl protocol nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.109 Protocol xmit request rejected: secure connection not operational yet - circuit name DLCI circuit protocol protocol network network ID

Description: Protocol transmission request rejected - secure connection not operational yet

Cause: Transmssion attempted on a secure circuit before encryption operational.



Short Syntax: FR.110 No memory for circuit during reset int, disc circuit circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.110 No available memory for a circuit during a DR reset interface, the circuit has been ignored circuit circuit, on network network ID

Description: Control block memory allocation failed during a dynamic reconfiguration reset interface operation. A circuit was not created.

Cause: Control block core allocation failed during DR reset interface.



Short Syntax: FR.111 Buffer not available on nt network ID for transmission_reason

Long Syntax: FR.111 Buffer not available on network network ID for transmission_reason

Description: Transmission failed or delayed because buffer not available.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.112 SVC call-in ignored, reason nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.112 An incoming call for a switched virtual circuit was ignored, reason on network network ID

Description: A call-in was not accepted.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.113 SVC call-in accept, SVC name, DLCI num nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.113 An incoming call for a switched virtual circuit was accepted, SVC = name, DLCI = num on network network ID

Description: A call-in was accepted.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.114 SVC call-out ignored, reason nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.114 An outgoing call for a switched virtual circuit was ignored, reason on network network ID

Description: The call-out was not placed.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.115 SVC call-out accept, SVC name call state = state nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.115 An outgoing call for a switched virtual circuit was accepted, SVC = name call state = state on network network ID

Description: The call-out was accepted.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.116 SVC call-out complete, SVC name, DLCI num nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.116 An outgoing call for a switched virtual circuit was completed, SVC = name, DLCI = num on network network ID

Description: The call-out was completed.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.117 SVC disconnect, reason, SVC name nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.117 A switched virtual circuit was disconnected, reason, SVC = name on network network ID

Description: The call will be cleared.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.118 Establish sent to q922 layer, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.118 Establish sent to q922 layer,network network ID

Description: The call will be cleared.



Short Syntax: FR.119 SVC call-out failed, reason, SVC name nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.119 A switched virtual circuit call-out attempt failed, reason, SVC = name on network network ID

Description: The call will be cleared.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.120 SVC name connected number num, connected subaddress sub, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.120 An outgoing call for a switched virtual circuit was completed, SVC = name, with a different connected number num and/or subaddress sub than was called on network network ID

Description: The call-out was accepted.



Short Syntax: FR.121 Net down due to failure of Q.922 on nt network id; start testing

Long Syntax: FR.121 Frame relay detected a failure of the Q.922 data link layer on network network id; start testing interface

Description: The interface has been marked down due to failure of Q.922.



Short Syntax: FR.122 Invalid Q.922 message. Unknown data received on nt network id

Long Syntax: FR.122 An invalid Q.922 message was received and could not be processes on network network id

Description: The message is ignored.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.123 Establish confirm received on nt network id

Long Syntax: FR.123 Establish confirm received byt the q933 layer for network network id

Description: Q922 layer has come up.



Short Syntax: FR.124 Out of sequence numbers Vr Vr,, Vs Vs,, Nr Nr,, Ns Ns,Va,, Va network id/

Long Syntax: FR.124 Out of sequence numbers Vr Vr,,Vs Vs,,Nr Nr,,Ns Ns,Va,,Va network id/

Description: Out of sequence numbers in data frames, Q922 session will reset.



Short Syntax: FR.125 Invalid Q.933 message, reason, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.125 An invalid Q.933 message was received and ignored, reason, on network network ID

Description: The message is ignored.



Short Syntax: FR.126 Frame rcvd, circuit name DLCI circuit not ready for prtcl protocol nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.126 Frame received, circuit name DLCI = circuit not ready for protocol type = protocol, on network network ID

Description: IPX frames are being recieved but the corresponding circuit is either marked as not ready to receive or is non-existent.

Cause: Frames are being received and the IPX circuit is disabled

Action: Enable the IPX circuit

Cause: Frames are being received and IPX is not configured on the interface

Action: Configure an IPX circuit on the interface


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.127 LMI frame transmitted, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.127 LMI frame transmitted on network network ID

Description: LMI packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.128 LMI frame received, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.128 LMI frame received on network network ID

Description: LMI packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.129 Q.922 frame transmitted, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.129 Q.922 frame transmitted on network network ID

Description: Q.922 packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.130 Q.922 frame received, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.130 Q.922 frame received on network network ID

Description: Q.922 packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.131 Q.933 frame forwarded, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.131 Q.933 frame forwarded on network network ID

Description: Q.933 packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.132 Q.933 frame received, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.132 Q.933 frame received on network network ID

Description: Q.933 packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.133 DATA frame received, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.133 DATA frame received on network network ID

Description: DATA packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.134 CLLM frame received, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.134 CLLM frame received on network network ID

Description: CLLM packet trace information.



Short Syntax: FR.135 SVC call collision, reason, SVC name nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.135 A switched virtual circuit setup was received for an SVC that had a call setup in progress, reason, SVC = name on network network ID

Description: The SVC with the lesser local party number will cancel it's call-out and accept the call-in.



Short Syntax: FR.136 Invalid fragmentation header received on nt network id

Long Syntax: FR.136 An invalid fragmentation header was received in an incoming fragmented frame network id

Description: The frame is discarded.



Short Syntax: FR.137 Fragmentation problem, reason reason, dlci dlci, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.137 A problem has been encountered by the fragmentation code, reason reason, dlci dlci on network network ID

Description: Fragmentation of the incoming or outgoing buffer will not be done.



Short Syntax: FR.138 Encryption not started on network network ID - reason

Long Syntax: FR.138 Encryption not started on network network ID - reason

Description: Encryption not started because of a lack of resources

Cause: Encryption not started because of a lack of resources.



Short Syntax: FR.139 Compression not started on network network ID - reason

Long Syntax: FR.139 Compression not started on network network ID - reason

Description: Compression not started because of a lack of resources

Cause: Compression not started because of a lack of resources.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.140 FR fragment forwarded, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.140 FR fragment forwarded on network network ID

Description: FR fragment packet trace information.


Level: P_TRACE

Short Syntax: FR.141 FR fragment received, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.141 FR fragment received on network network ID

Description: FR fragment packet trace information.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.142 DE frame disc: rsn = reason, circuit name DLCI circuit, prtcl = FRFH, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.142 A queued discard eligible frame was discarded with reason = reason for circuit name DLCI = circuit protocol type = FRFH on network network ID

Description: A queued FH circuit frame has been discarded.

Cause: There is a buffer shortage, the FH queue has reached its maximum length, or the input CIR for the FH circuit has been exceeded.



Short Syntax: FR.143 Circ name dlci circuit ignored, currently orphan on base intf - nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.143 Can't add circ name dlci circuit to a subintf, it's an orphan on base intf - nt network ID

Description: Trying to add a circuit to a subintf that's an orphan on the base interface.



Short Syntax: FR.144 Configuration error, subinterface disabled, nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.144 Configuration error, subinterface disabled, network ID

Description: An error was detected in the configuration of a subinterface and will be unusable until the configuration is corrected.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: FR.145 Net updown nt network ID

Long Syntax: FR.145 Network status changed to updown network network ID

Description: FR has detected a network status change

Panic frimem 

Short Syntax: Frame Relay interface initialization failed - no memory

Description: The Frame Relay interface failed to allocate sufficient memory to complete initialization.

Action: Contact customer service.

Panic friprt 

Short Syntax: FR: unsupported protocol during initialization

Description: The Frame Relay network handler detected an unsupported protocol during initialization.

Action: Contact customer service.

Panic frfprt 

Short Syntax: FR: unsupported protocol during frame forward

Description: The Frame Relay network handler detected an unsupported protocol during the protocol frame forward phase.

Action: Contact customer service.

Panic frcompmem 

Short Syntax: Frame Relay interface compression initialization failed, no memory.

Description: The Frame Relay interface failed to allocate sufficient memory to complete compression initialization.

Action: Contact customer service.

Panic frencmem 

Short Syntax: Frame Relay interface encryption initialization failed, no memory.

Description: The Frame Relay interface failed to allocate sufficient memory to complete encryption initialization.

Action: Contact customer service.

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